Sale Result € 3.000
A table clock made of gilt bronze 'La Liseuze' after a model by Jean-André REICHE (1752-1817), Empire Period. (H:33cm (L:29.5 x W:14 x H:33 cm)
A table clock made of gilt and patinated bronze 'La Liseuze' after a model by Jean-André REICHE (1752-1817), Empire Period, the first half of the 19th century. Standing on a marble base. Marked Dumoulin, Méchanicien à Bruxelles.
Condition: Missing Pendulum, hairline in dial.
€ 2.000 - € 3.000
Auction date
Wednesday, 9 February 2022 (10u00 CET)
L:29.5 x W:14 x H:33 cm
Jean-André REICHE (1752-1817)