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A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)

A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)

This piece has been sold on 14.06.2023
Hammer price: € 950

Full lot description

A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen.

Product details

A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)


35 x 50 x 60 cm

Auction date

14/06/2023 - 14/06/2023

Hammer price (total price)

€ 1,188

Lot number


Lot ID


Condition report


Detailed Pictures

A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)
A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)
A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)
A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)
A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)
A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)
A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)
A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)
A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)
A pair of two-tier side tables, brass and glass in the style of Maison Jansen. (D:35 x W:50 x H:60 cm)

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