Ann MAES (XX) 'Fireplace Accessories' lacquered metal for Mace-Line (D:30 x W:25 x H:67 cm)
This piece has been sold on 14.06.2023
Hammer price: € 240
Product details
Artists |
Ann MAES (XX) |
Title | Ann MAES (XX) 'Fireplace Accessories' lacquered metal for Mace-Line (D:30 x W:25 x H:67 cm) |
Dimensions | 30 x 25 x 67 cm |
Auction date | 14/06/2023 - 14/06/2023 |
Hammer price (total price) | € 300 |
Lot number | 215 |
Lot ID | 19359 |
Condition report
Detailed Pictures
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